Highlands H S - San Antonio, Texas - High School

Highlands H S

Grades Taught/District Info
Male/Female Population
Male Female Total
1175 1006 2181
Students by Race
Race Count %
American Indian - Alaskan 3 0.14
Asian - Pacific Islander 5 0.23
Black 192 8.80
Hispanic 1771 81.20
White 210 9.63
Student by Grade Count
Highlands H S Reviews

From: Margaret L Fernandez | submitted: May 19, 2010
SAISD is the worst school ever..... I have paid taxes to this school district and every year I regret it. I allow my three children to go outside the Highlands High School SAISD area due to the administration (School and borad members) lack of concern for the students academics acheivments and their personal safety. I hope Austin gets involved before its to late for some of these kids. SAISD is violating their students and our LAWS by leaving all of their CHILDREN BEHIND

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