Amarillo Isd - Amarillo, Texas - Public School District
Phone - 806-354-4200
Amarillo Isd School District
7200 I-40 WAmarillo, TX 79106-2598
County: Randall
Mailing Address:
7200 I-40 W
Amarillo, TX 79106-2598
Amarillo, TX 79106-2598
Public Schools in This District
Amarillo Area Ctr For Advanced Lrn
Amarillo H S
Austin Middle
Avondale EL
Belmar EL
Bivins EL
Bonham Middle
Bowie Middle
Caprock H S
Carver Early Childhood Academy
Carver EL Academy
Coronado EL
Crockett Middle
Eastridge EL
Emerson EL
Fannin Middle
Forest Hill EL
Glenwood EL
Hamlet EL
Houston Middle
Humphrey's Highland EL
Lamar EL
Landergin EL
Lawndale EL
Lee EL
Mann Middle
Mesa Verde EL
North Heights Alter
Oak Dale EL
Olsen Park EL
Palo Duro H S
Paramount Terrace EL
Pleasant Valley EL
Puckett EL
Reg Prog For Deaf
Ridgecrest EL
Rogers EL
San Jacinto EL
Sanborn EL
Sleepy Hollow EL
South Georgia EL
South Lawn EL
Sunrise EL
Tascosa H S
Travis Middle
Western Plateau EL
Whittier EL
Wills EL
Windsor EL
Wolflin EL
Woodlands Elementary
Amarillo H S
Austin Middle
Avondale EL
Belmar EL
Bivins EL
Bonham Middle
Bowie Middle
Caprock H S
Carver Early Childhood Academy
Carver EL Academy
Coronado EL
Crockett Middle
Eastridge EL
Emerson EL
Fannin Middle
Forest Hill EL
Glenwood EL
Hamlet EL
Houston Middle
Humphrey's Highland EL
Lamar EL
Landergin EL
Lawndale EL
Lee EL
Mann Middle
Mesa Verde EL
North Heights Alter
Oak Dale EL
Olsen Park EL
Palo Duro H S
Paramount Terrace EL
Pleasant Valley EL
Puckett EL
Reg Prog For Deaf
Ridgecrest EL
Rogers EL
San Jacinto EL
Sanborn EL
Sleepy Hollow EL
South Georgia EL
South Lawn EL
Sunrise EL
Tascosa H S
Travis Middle
Western Plateau EL
Whittier EL
Wills EL
Windsor EL
Wolflin EL
Woodlands Elementary
Amarillo Isd School District Data
County of Location: | Randall |
Number of Schools in This District: | 52 |
Student/Teacher ratio: | 14.6 |
Total Students Pre Kindergarten - 12 Grade: | 29,527 |
Total Males: | 15,132 |
Total Females: | 14,395 |
American Indian Students: | 80 |
Asian/Pacific Islanders : | 738 |
African Americans: | 3,133 |
Hispanic: | 11,199 |
White: | 14,377 |
Total Staff: | 3,829 |
Fulltime Teachers: | 2,026 |
Ungraded Teachers: | 207 |
Pre Kindergarten Teachers: | 51 |
Kindergarten Teachers: | 111 |
Elementary Teachers: | 874 |
Secondary Teachers: | 783 |
Elementary Guidance Counselors: | 30 |
Secondary Guidance Counselors: | 50 |
Total Guidance Counselors: | 80 |
LEA Administrators: | 26 |
School Administrators: | 235 |
LEA Admin Support Staff: | 14 |
School Admin Support Staff: | 204 |
Student Support Services Staff: | 29 |
Other Support Staff: | 920 |
Library Media Support Staff: | |
Librarians Media Specialists: | 35 |
Instructional Aides - Total: | 258 |
Instructional Coordinators: | 3 |